Donation of desks and blackboards to schools in Cinkansé and Cinkassé

19 November 2019 was a special day for the pupils of the Collège d’Enseignement Général de Cinkansé (Burkina Faso) and the Lycée de Cinkassé (Togo).

As part of its action plan to help the local population of Cinkansé, Scanning Systems handed over a total of 50 three-seat desks and 20 blackboards to the two schools in two separate ceremonies.

Each school was thus equipped with 25 desks and 10 high-quality blackboards.

As a result, Scanning Systems is providing the students with better learning conditions and making it easier for them to keep up with their lessons.

The pupils expressed their joy and gratitude to our team. The local authorities and the staff of the two schools present also thanked Scanning Systems for this much-needed gift to the two communities of Cinkansé.

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